Monday, September 26, 2011

Blog 2: The Allegory of The Cave through History

Equality & the American Dream are two of many situations in life where people live in an illusion and refuse to accept the truth towards. The American Dream is a house with a white picket fence, husband & wife, kids and a dog; and with participation in the society and the economy, no matter the social class you're placed in, you have the ability to achieve prosperity. The ugly truth being destroyed in our brains is the mere fact of equality, and the American Dream doesn't exist towards all; that in fact it is limited.

Equality doesn’t exist; we are told to and believed in that everyone is equal. That woman can have the same responsibility as men and be equally acknowledged upon. From running for president to joining the army to doing hands on jobs. In fact yes, that has been granted to women in the form of equal rights. No doubt about it, everyone rights are equal but equality, woman to man, man to woman is just nearly impossible. For example, a five year old girl, playing with military dolls and guns; the parents of this child would be okay with that because a woman has an equal opportunity to join the military if the pleases. Now let’s say a five year old boy, playing with make-up, female clothing; the parents of this child would think that is totally insane and there’s no equal opportunity in him being a female and having female traits and that makes him less of a man. Now the girl playing with military dolls and guns isn’t represented as being less of a woman, only being represented as a woman who wants to fight for her country as a man would be able to do. The boy playing with make-up and female clothing is being represented as less of a man, because it isn’t an equal representation of what a man should be.

Now as far the American Dream, not all have the opportunity to grow up and give their kids/families a choice for a neither good education nor career. Let’s say a white female born and raised into a rich family versus a black female born and raised in poverty; the truth of the matter is the white female born and raised in rich is more likely to have the opportunity to have a good education leading to a good career and a good financial status. The reason of that is because her family was allowed to give her and hand her that American Dream along with hard-work and responsibility. Now as far as the black female born and raised in poverty, she has no standing ground, she doesn’t have a stepping stone to where she can achieve a good education, because without an education what exactly is she going to be able to achieve? There isn’t an equal opportunity here between the two, even woman to woman; one isn’t able to reach the goal of having the American Dream as to one can.

People are blind-sided by the truth that we are not equal but have equal rights. We aren’t machines that have the same built up complexity in which to perform the same task, with the same level of intelligence and skills. Just because equality rights have been given as far as laws doesn’t mean in nature, actual equality in between the lines of the rights are actually embraced and truth. The Gay rights law has been passed but still we live in proof that a gay man isn’t equal to a straight man. The Women rights movement to be able to vote and run for president has been passed but we still live in proof that a woman’s ability to run the world isn’t equal to a man’s ability to run the world.

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