Friday, November 25, 2011

Blog 7: Reflection On Blogging

Sitting in class reading my Eng101 syllabus, I didn't think we would be using blogs to express our thoughts on topics in class, readings nor movies. Writting blogs is an informal way of writing and being in a writing composition class I thought it'd be the total opposite, formal writing. Formal writing, with structure of paragraphs, the use of language and minimum and maximum of words. There isn't a limitation of blogs, and it's pretty fun to just write yet still have some sort of feedback on your thoughts.
Being that blogs are broadcast for everyone to see it gives you an advantage of having some sort of feedback written on your blogs but also, you have the upper hand of viewing other blogs and comparing your insite of your blog to others. I've always felt that I've been a strong writer but compared to other people in my class, I'm an amauter (haha) but, I tend to see what helpful ideas I can take and make my own, and expand from. When I receive the feedback letting me know my blog is well rounded and solided and it's very good, it gives me motivation to become even stronger and to stand outside the box - no one wants to be an average joe.
I enjoy writing these blogs. It's an easy grade with grounded rules on staying on topic yet free expression. If I could do these for each and every one of my classes for future semesters, I'm sure my grades would be top notch!

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